Carers Voice

Support for carers to get their voices heard, to influence health and social care provision and the services of Carers Support.

We are committed to enabling carers to increase decision-makers' understanding of the issues they face and to influence the development of strategies, policies and procedures affecting carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

The issues that carers face are best understood and addressed when carers, decision-makers and staff share their understanding and work together to find a solution.

Services and support that make sense to those who use them work best. Councils and the NHS must listen and involve carers in policies and services development. 

Get involved

Join our Expert by Experience Panel

The lived experience of caring makes you an expert on carers’ issues. By joining this panel, you will be able to have your say by taking part in our focus groups, surveys and polls.

We need to know from you what issues you experience, what services and support you are using are working or not working, and what is missing.

Any carers caring for adults and from all caring backgrounds can join, for example, if you are caring for an adult with dementia, frailty, learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, mental and physical health difficulties, substance misuse etc.

The commitment can be as much or as little as you choose, and whenever it suits your life circumstances. Your involvement can be online, in person or a mixture of both.

Join the Panel

Become a Carer Representative

If you are passionate about making local changes for carers, have the time to attend caring partnerships meetings regularly, and occasionally get involved in co-production work, then this voluntary role is for you!

We work with you to make sure that you are treated as an equal partner around the table. We will train you in representation and lobbying. You will gain knowledge about local policies, how they are made and influencing skills.

To become a carer representative

Please contact Susy Giullari, our Carers Policy, Engagement and Involvement Lead.

Tel: 07521 945 943

Join us at a Carers Event

Each year, we hold two events, as part of Carers’ UK national campaign – one in June for Carers Week and one in November for Carers Rights Day.

These campaigns are about raising awareness of the rights and challenges faced by carers and the contributions they make to society and the economy throughout the UK. 

Our events provide opportunities for you to meet local decision-makers and have your say, meet other carers and find out information to help you in your caring role.

We’ll inform you by eNewsletter, this website, Carers News and social media about these events and how to join.

Support our campaigns, respond to consultations, participate in research

Give your feedback to local and national consultations on proposed plans, regulations, services and policies that affect carers.

Empowering Women Carers
for Food Security and Equality

Women in caring roles are more likely to face food insecurity and inequality.
This project, run by Carers Support and Bristol Women’s Voice, funded by
Feeding Bristol, aims to empower women carers to access affordable,
nutritious food for themselves and those they care for.

Join us for three friendly workshops where we’ll explore the challenges women
carers face, try healthy cooking, and share tips on well-being and food choices.
The project will culminate with a beautiful lantern parade in central Bristol on
Saturday, 22nd March, calling for equality for carers.

Women in caring roles are more likely to face food insecurity and inequality.
This project, run by Carers Support and Bristol Women’s Voice, funded by
Feeding Bristol, aims to empower women carers to access affordable,
nutritious food for themselves and those they care for.

We are looking for women carers who
can commit to the following 3 sessions in

10th Feb - 10.30 - 1.30 pm
3rd Mar - 10:30 - 1:45 pm
17th Mar - 10:30 - 1:30 pm

These will be held at the Vassal
Centre in Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ.
Each session includes a shared meal, and at the first and third, you’ll receive a
£35 food voucher. In the second, we’ll cook delicious, nourishing food, to be
enjoyed together and taken home for your loved ones

If you’re interested, please scan this QR code

Or contact Susy:

0752 194 5943

Email Susy

Value the Caring Economy

We want to see the dignity and rights of carers, care workers and those who may need care upheld and recognised for their true worth and to allow caring for loved ones. 

We want our elected representatives and employers to recognise and value this hidden army – mostly of women – who provide the care that is the infrastructure holding our society together.

We call upon decision-makers and employers to value the caring economy by adequately investing in childcare and early education, social care and ensuring dignity, respect and flexibility across employment to allow for caring.

Join us in showing that caring is everybody’s business and sign the petition

Learning disabilities surveys in South Gloucestershire

A series of surveys on behalf of the South Glos Learning Disabilities Partnership Board to give you the chance to inform decision-makers and providers in health, and social care on these vital subjects.

Carers’ survey on learning disabilities and health

What kind of support do carers need to support people with learning disabilities to improve their health and at the same time maintain good health for themselves?

Take the survey

Carers’ survey on education and employment

What kind of support do carers need to support LD people to improve their education and employment?

Take the survey



Carers' survey on housing, transport and safety

What kind of support do carers need to make sure they and the people they care for access housing, transport and feel safe?

Take the survey

Carers' survey on personalisation

Personalisation is about giving people much more choice and control over their lives and the support they receive.

Take the survey

Some Carers Voice success stories

Bristol City Council proposed ‘Fair and Affordable Care Policy’ scrapped

In September 2002, Bristol City Council, struggling to balance the budget like most Local Authorities, proposed a new Fair and Affordable Care Policy to enable them to take best value into account when deciding how to meet an individual’s care needs. 

We wrote a response to the consultation expressing our deep concern about the potential impact this proposed policy could have on carers’ well-being and choices. We were especially concerned about the impact on those who cannot afford to pay for care, those caring 35+ hours a week, those who live in social housing, and those who would prefer to care for their loved ones at home.

The council listened to Carers Voice and to the disabled campaigners, deleted the policy and set up a working group with carers and disabled people representation to find a better solution. We are part of that group, and we will keep you posted.  

Making local parks accessible to carers

Since 2022 Carers Voice has been working in partnership with Your Park Bristol and Bath. First, we researched what makes it difficult for carers and their loved ones to access and enjoy parks, and then we engaged carers in workshops to create a tool for carers and disabled people to assess their local parks. This winter we supported local carers and disabled people to use this tool to create an accessibility plan for Hartcliffe Millenium Green

Household Support Fund Payments for carers who are struggling to make ends meet

In 2002 carers already exhausted by the pandemic, were hit by the Cost of Living Crisis. Carers Voice began to lobby Local Authorities to support carers who cannot make ends meet with Household Support Fund payments for essentials such as food, utilities, energy bills, and petrol. Since early 2023 South Glos and Bristol Councils earmarked some of this funding for carers and gave the Carers Support the opportunity to offer payments to carers asking for financial support with essentials.  

Hospital discharge

During the pandemic, hospitals tried a new way to discharge people from hospitals, called Discharge to Assess (sometimes called Home First) later endorsed by the Health and Care Act 2022. Rather than waiting for a care assessment in the hospital, patients are discharged as soon as clinically possible. Their care needs and their carers’ support needs are assessed where they live, in their homes or community settings. The goals are to increase patients’ independence, the number of hospital beds available, and avoid hospital readmissions.

In 2023, Carers Voice worked closely with the local Discharge to Assess transformation team, to lobby for carers to be involved in their loved one’s discharge plans and support services, including the discharge to assess support grant. During Carers Week 63 carers took part in workshops to test the program’s information and promotion material to ensure it was carer-focused and accessible to carers. 

South Glos Carers Strategy 2022-2027

Carer reps and carers co-produced this strategy, outlining what matters to carers to local carers, and the kind of support they most want and need. This co-production took place over a year period where carer representatives worked with the Council and other partners to hear the voices of many carers living and/or caring in South Glos. We have been working within the Carers Strategy Implementation Group to develop a 5-year action plan, to make sure that the strategy turns into real tangible changes, and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.  

We are always happy to hear carers’ views

If you want to get your voice heard as a carer but are not sure how, please contact Susy Giullari, our Carers Policy, Engagement and Involvement Lead.

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